Correct bike fit is one of the most important factors when optimizing performance, efficiency, comfort and preventing injury. Ride Advice offer the Retül system which reads the rider’s movements whilst in motion on the bike.
We begin with a pre-fit physical assessment taking into account your body’s limitations, previous injuries and your goals on the bike.
Next we get on your bike or the fit bike and place markers on 8 points of your body. The Retül system collects data from each pedal stroke creating a dynamic fit experience.
Your data is compiled into the Retül fit software so that our fitter can dial you into your perfect riding position.
Once we have your dialed into your perfect position, we create a digital map of your final set up. A complete fit report is generated that you can reference at any time..
Call (08) 9321 0466 or fill out the form below.
Get your position dialed so you can experience first hand the benefits of a Retül bike fit.